Photo by Jerry Hughes

I know many coaches and gyms teach different techniques for dismounts, but no matter what arm position you use or how many counts of a dip you’re given, there are some basic principles you should always follow when doing twisting dismounts to make you spin more quickly & safely.

The better your technique, the easier it is for you and your bases. Plus, you’ll be more predictable in the air, making everything safer!

These tips apply to full downs, double downs, twisting to prone, etc.


You’ve probably heard this one before… but wait longer than you think you need to before initiating the twist! “Wait before you pull in,” “ride the pop” and “wait for your bases to throw you” are all variations of this. Allowing yourself to momentarily reach upwards, square your body and get into position will result in a higher dismount, easier spin, more controlled movement, an easier/more predictable catch for your bases and an overall prettier dismount!


The tighter your body is, the faster it’ll spin. Tightness also needs to be accompanied by length though, so squeeze everything and try to create “outward tightness” (tension). One way to understand this is to stretch a rubber band. When you’re pulling both ends away from each other, you’re creating tension. If you let the band relax, then pull it just enough for it to flatten but not stretch, that’s the amount of tension many cheerleaders hold while flying – just tight enough to not be loose, but not tight enough to have tons of tension. Flyers should always be holding themselves as if they’re a stretched rubber band!


It’s easy to think about squeezing your whole body at once, but make sure you’re FULLY squeezing these specific, and sometimes forgotten, areas:

  • Butt, so you don’t pike
  • Feet (toes pointed + feet together with no space in between)
  • Knees (100% squeezed, usually they’re straight but not actually being squeezed to their fullest)


This is part of being tight. Create the least amount of bends in your body! No flexed feet, no bent knees, no piked hips, no arched back, etc.