If you want to be front and center in your routine, you need to earn your position. Here’s what makes up a good center flyer:


When all eyes are on you, you better have great technique! Good center flyers are able to keep their toes pointed, knees straight and hips in line at all times.


Center flyers should be able to pull all flyer body positions, like heel stretches, bow & arrows, needles, scales and high arabesques.


Great flyers are not just flexible, they’re very strong! Strength in all areas of the body allows them to stunt with ease, make everything look effortless and remain stable in the air.


Confidence is a big component of flying. To be in the center spot, you can’t be afraid or hesitant when stunting. Stand tall, keep your chin up, lengthen your body, pull your positions sharply and don’t show any fear on your face.


Of course, if you’re at the front of the mat, you’re going to need to perform! Whether you do facials or mouth the words to your music, you need to do more than just holding a smile the whole time. Your performance skills should be so good that everyone enjoys watching and keeps their eyes on you.

Keep in mind…

️Flyers, please keep in mind that being the most flexible on the team, the best performer, etc. will not guarantee you a center spot. Sometimes, other factors will determine your spot, such as where you are in the formation prior to the stunt or which bases you work best with. Also, being off center does not mean you are a “bad flyer” in any way, just like being center does not always mean you’re the best on the team.