Photo: Snapped! by Becca Clark

Wobbly stunts are both scary and unsafe. Other than using this training program, here are 5 things you can do to increase your stability:

1. Improve Core Stability

Core stability exercises like front supports (planks), inchworm, hollow rocks, superman rocks, etc. will be useful for improving overall balance and stability. After all, if the whole middle section of you is weak and loose, you’re going to be wobbling all over the place while in the air.

2. Ankle & Foot Strengthening

Strengthening the muscles in your lower leg and foot is the best thing you can do to have good ankle stability. Strength in this area will ensure your ankle can resist movement so you can stand as still as possible. I’ve created the perfect ankle strengthening program for flyers here.

3. Improve Your Balance

Although flyers technically aren’t supposed to balance in their stunts (the bases do the balancing work), being good at it may save you from falling. If your bases make an error or don’t have a good grip of your foot, being able to catch yourself off balance could keep you in the air.

Exercises to practice balancing include standing on a Bosu ball, balance disc, wobble board, pillow or small surface like a balance beam. You can even practice standing on the balls of one or both of your feet.

4. Get More Flexible

The more flexible you are, the easier you’ll be able to pull body positions, which means less movement for you and less work for your bases. The less you move in the air, the less likely you are to fall or bobble. Having tons of mobility also allows you to make adjustments in your body position to correct your posture or save your stunt if needed.

5. Reach Upward

Lengthening your body and standing tall will make it easier for you to stand and easier for your bases to hold you steady. If you’re tight and reaching/lifting upward, you’re also less likely to bend your knees or butt out.