Photo: Jerry Hughes Photography

1. Super Senior

Why not do an extra year! If you’re not ready to give up cheerleading just yet, stay on your senior team for one more season if you’re taking a gap year or attending university close to home.

2. Join an Open Team

Tons of open teams have adults on them. In fact, quite a few people cheer into their 20s, 30s and beyond since open teams are accepting to all ages! Unless the team is a serious Worlds team, you may not need much experience before joining. Adult teams are always welcoming to newcomers as well!

3. Cheer for Your School

If your college or university offers a cheerleading program, keep an eye out for when their tryouts are. Whether the team cheers for football or still attends competitions, you can stay involved in the cheer world for at least another 2-4 years.

4. Leave the Athlete Side of Things

You can still be involved in the cheer world without competing. If you have the knowledge and experience, try coaching or judging. Or, if you’re like me, you can still be involved through social media!