Photo: Snapped! by Becca Clark

Wobbly stunts are both scary and unsafe. Other than using this training program, here are 4 things you can do to increase your stunt group’s stability:

1. Reach With Your Shoulders

In extended stunts, extend and reach your shoulders up as much as possible to provide the strongest pillar you can. This will prevent movement in your shoulders and provide a more steady surface for your flyer to stand on.

The post below shows a great exercise to train this reach:

2. Wrist Strengthening

Strengthening the muscles in your forearm and hand is the best thing you can do to have good wrist stability. Strength in this area will ensure your wrist can resist movement so you can hold your flyer’s foot as still as possible. I’ve created the perfect wrist strengthening program for bases here.

Here’s also one of my favourite exercises for this:

3. Use Your Fingers

When holding your flyer’s foot, don’t only support it with your palms all the time. When needed, use all your fingers to squeeze the foot and force it to stay stable in one position, no matter how hard your flyer is toeing or standing on their heels. This is easiest to do while in double base and is especially important in pyramids when there are lots of external things causing movement.

4. Improve Core Stability

Core stability exercises like front supports (planks), inchworm, hollow rocks, superman rocks, etc. will be useful for improving overall balance and stability. This is important for both bases and flyers to have! After all, if the whole middle section of you is weak and loose, you’re going to be wobbling all over the place while holding a person above your head.