Helping Cheerleaders Become Better Athletes

About Me
Hello, I’m Deryn! I’m a former allstar cheerleader, coach, MSc graduate and Registered Kinesiologist. I created The Cheer Kin for two reasons: 1) To help cheerleaders reach their goals, and 2) To act as a credible source of information to educate athletes, coaches and parents on the science behind cheerleading.
What People Are Saying
[The training programs have] made a huge difference for me. At first I couldn’t see much of a difference and then one night it’s like [it] flipped over night. The structured plan helped keep me on track while I incorporated more of my own stuff into my daily routine. [The] flexibility programs have helped me with my flyer body positions more than I could have ever hoped. They help keep me accountable and helped push me when I didn’t think I could improve anymore. I will continue to praise the Cheer Kin as they have helped me in my cheer journey more than words could explain! I’m a Cheer Kin “lifer.”
– Talyn S.
The back and shoulder flexibility program is working amazing for me, I can really tell a difference in my flexibility, even after doing it once!! It’s also amazing to do after a long day’s work, to really stretch your back out.
– Caitlin B.
Latest Blog Posts
Tips for Short Backspots
Photo: Snapped! by Becca Clark Have trouble reaching your flyer? Here are some tips if...
How to Get Your Tumbling Back
As I’ve said in past Instagram posts, if you can lose your tumbling easily, you never...
How to Be Center Flyer
If you want to be front and center in your routine, you need to earn your position....
How to Land Your Tumbling Every Time
Do you touch down in your tumbling often? Here are some tips to help fix that! FIX THE...
How to Spot Cheer Stunts Safely
This is a topic I feel like a lot of people don't talk about! Everyone will have to spot...
Full Up Tips
Photo: Snapped! by Becca Clark Tips for flyers, bases and backspots to do a better full...