

I’m Deryn, a former allstar cheerleader, coach, MSc graduate and Registered Kinesiologist. I created The Cheer Kin for two reasons: 1) To help cheerleaders reach their goals, and 2) To act as a credible source of information to educate athletes, coaches and parents on the science behind cheerleading.

With this blog, I hope to improve the cheer industry by changing the approach to athlete development, skill progression and competition preparation. My wish is for cheerleading to be pushed in a more safe, positive and productive direction so it can finally be recognized as a competitive sport!


Registered Kinesiologist


MSc in Sports Science & Rehabilitation


BASc in Kinesiology


Diploma in Fitness & Health Promotion

My Story

During my years as a cheerleader, I developed an interest in the human body and was curious about how it functioned in relation to cheer. I wanted to know how exactly conditioning and stretching resulted in improvements in strength and flexibility, why I was sore after practice and why mental blocks existed. This led me to pursue a BASc in Kinesiology, a Diploma in Fitness & Health Promotion and a MSc in Sports Science & Rehabilitation.

When entering university, I had been coaching competitive cheer for 2 years already. Looking back, I can see I had absolutely no idea what I was doing! Sure, I completed a certification program for cheer coaches, could put together routines and felt pretty comfortable teaching skills, but becoming certified as a cheer coach really taught me nothing in terms of how the body moves, the biomechanics of tumbling and stunting, how to develop safe and effective conditioning and flexibility programs, or anything related to athlete psychology.

During my time in school, I also began working with a former National Team Gymnast (now a coach) who introduced me to a whole new world of tumbling, stunting, conditioning and flexibility training. This approach to training and the mindset towards developing oneself/others into top-notch athletes was completely unlike what is taught in cheerleading.

Fast forward a few years later and it’s clear to me that there are a tremendous number of gaps in how the cheer world approaches skill progression, competition preparation, strength/flexibility development and a whole lot more. I really wish I had known the things I do now when I was younger, or that I had a coach who did, because it would have made a world of a difference in my skills, abilities and confidence.

Although I was unable to reach my full potential as a cheerleader, I want to help the next generation of cheerleaders find success and surpass all expectations they have of themselves. This begins with knowledge and understanding (from athletes, coaches and parents) of the foundations of cheerleading skills and proper approaches to athlete development, followed by implementation of progressive training programs according to age and skill level. With these tools, there’s no doubt cheerleaders can reach all their goals and coaches can create winning teams!

My mission is to create change in the cheer industry by introducing athletes, coaches & parents to tried & trusted training methods, knowledge & research.



I will always provide you with science-based, research-based and/or evidence-based information. If I come across new findings that prove my old information in blog posts, training programs or products to be incorrect, I will always update it to reflect the most accurate and current information available. I take pride in my work and my education, so I will only provide you with valuable, trustworthy information.


I will always be honest with you. I will never consider myself an expert or guru, because I do not know everything. If I lack experience or knowledge on a particular topic, I am not going to fake my expertise. With the abundance of drills, exercises and “quick fixes” that people in the cheer industry claim to have, I will only provide you with material that is proven to be effective, or that I have tried myself and had success with.

Helping Others

One of the reasons I started this blog was to help as many cheerleaders and coaches as I can. That is the foundation of The Cheer Kin. Nothing makes me happier than helping others learn new things, improve themselves and reach their goals, so I am always open to answering your questions. With each blog post, training program and product that I create, I will do my best to provide the most helpful information that I can.

Have a question? Contact me anytime!

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